2024年 4月29日(月) 06:01 JST

Debian Squeeze Download RStudio Server

  • 2012年 3月15日(木) 10:38 JST
  • 投稿者:
  • 表示回数 1,410


deb http://cran.md.tsukuba.ac.jp/bin/linux/debian squeeze-cran/

The Debian backports archives on CRAN are signed with the key of "Johannes Ranke (CRAN Debian archive) <jranke@uni-bremen.de>" with key ID 381BA480. You can fetch this with

   gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-key 381BA480

or alternatively, using another key server,

   gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key 381BA480

If this doesn't work, it might be due to a firewall blocking port 11371. Alternatively, you can search for 0x381BA480 at http://keyserver.noreply.org/ and copy the key block into a plain text file, named, for instance, jranke_cran.asc.

If receiving the key with gpg did work, you need to export it to a text file

   gpg -a --export 381BA480 > jranke_cran.asc

In both cases you need to make the key known to the apt system by running

 as root.


apt-get update
apt-get install r-base r-base-dev